Calendar update with residency lectures
Find the residency lectures scheduled for January, February and March in the Event Page
In summary:
21 Jan. “Continuous renal replacement therapy”, Dott.ssa F. Ferrari
28 Jan “Hemodynamic monitoring”, Dott. G. Tavazzi
30 Jan. “Blood management in anesthesia”, Dott. B Mascia, Dott. D. Passador
4 Feb. “Anesthesia in ostetrics”, Dott. ssa P. Delmonte
6 Feb. “Critical ventilation: target, limits, strategies”, Prof. F. Mojoli
13 Feb. “Basic lung and diaphragm ultrasound”, Dott. ssa S. Mongodi
20 Feb. “Non heart-beating donor”, Dott.ssa M. Zanierato
27 Feb. “Perioperative volemia management”, Dott. G. Maggio
18 Mar. “Principles of acupuncture”, Dott. ssa M. Ilardi
20 Mar. “Pain therapy in intensive care unit”, Dott. F. Cavalloro