Courses and congresses news

CORSO: le infezioni fungine: highlights in terapia intensiva


Mar 23

Imperdibile aggiornamento sulle infezioni fungine in terapia intensiva! Iscrizione gratuita, ma posti limitati Clicca qui per iscriverti   A Pavia, Aula Rianimazione 1, Piano -1, Palazzo DEA, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo   PROGRAMMA: 08.00 Registrazione dei partecipanti 08.30 Presentazione degli obiettivi formativi del Corso Bruno Viaggi, Federico Capra Marzani, Francesco Mojoli PARTE PRATICA – FORMAZIONE RESIDENZIALE INTERATTIVA 09.00 La pratica nel reparto di Terapia Intensiva del Centro di Pavia Federico Capra Marzani, Francesco Mojoli, Bruno Viaggi 13.00 Lunch break PARTE TEORICA – IL PUNTO DI VISTA DEGLI ESPERTI 14.00 Farmacologia clinica degli antifungini Federico Pea (in collegamento sincrono da remoto) 14.30 Come tratto le infezioni fungine invasive del paziente critico: dall’evidenza alla pratica clinica Pierluigi Viale (in collegamento sincrono da remoto) 15.00 Ruolo di amfotericina B liposomiale in ICU Bruno Viaggi 15.40 Discussione interattiva 16.00 Take home messages e conclusioni Bruno Viaggi

February calendar



Feb 22

The calendar of lessons, courses and simulation sessions for this month is on line! Check it here

Meet the GRIP at the SMART 2019



May 19

Where to find the GRIP at the upcoming SMART 2019 and our main research topics? Have a look to our courses, frontal lectures, simulation sessions and expert meetings on point-of-care ultrasound and advanced mechanical ventilation.   definitivo_programma-educational-course-basic-ultrasound-for-nurses_smart2019definitivo_programma-educational-course-advanced-thoracic-ultrasound_smart2019screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-48-12screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-48-36screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-48-53screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-49-17screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-49-56screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-50-12screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-50-26screenshot-2019-04-27-at-20-50-44

Thoracic ultrasound in acute respiratory failure – SMART course May 7th



Apr 19

Last week to subscribe to our SMART course on thoracic ultrasound (lung, diaphragm, heart) in the acute respiratory failure! Milan, May 7th   Check the program and all the other details at the Startpromotion website


AKI and blood purification


Sep 18

Don't miss it! Next week in Novara, free access.. screen-shot-2018-07-31-at-12-59-01

Our expert in blood purification, Dr. Fiorenza Ferrari, will take part to this meeting in Novara next September on "Acute kidney injury in the critically ill and transplant patient: role of extra-corporeal therapies".

Free access with mandatory subscription on the website.

Full program:



Extra-corporeal therapies in AKI



Jul 18


Our expert in blood purification, Dr. Fiorenza Ferrari, will take part to this meeting in Novara next September on "Acute kidney injury in the critically ill and transplant patient: role of extra-corporeal therapies".

Free access with mandatory subscription on the website.

Full program:



The GRIP at the ERS International Congress 2018 – Thoracic Ultrasound Course


Jul 18


The GRIP will take part to the Thoracic Ultrasound postgraduate course of the European Respiratory Society at the International Congress in Paris on September 15th!

Enhance your sonography practice beyond identification of pleural fluid Aims : to provide a solid theoretical framework for physicians wishing to develop their ultrasound skills; to encourage evidence-based practice where possible; to highlight the utility of thoracic ultrasound beyond identification of pleural fluid, including assessment of other thoracic structures; to show that, after suitable training, physicians can safely perform thoracic interventions (including image-guided pleural biopsies); and to provide a solid background for the thoracic ultrasound educational skills workshop. Target audience : Critical/Intensive care physician, Nurse, Physiologist, Radiologist, Thoracic oncologist, Thoracic surgeon, Trainee, Adult pulmonologist/Clinician Detailed program at

Webinar on Ultrasound for the early diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia



Jul 18

screen-shot-2018-07-04-at-18-51-33 We had the honour to take part to the online training offered by Amuscu AC - Asociación Mexicana en Ultrasonografía Crítica y Urgencias AC; you can watch our webinar on Ultrasound for early diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia.