Lung Ultrasound

19Sep 2011

Agricola E, Arbelot C, Blaivas M, Bouhemad B, Copetti R, Dean A, Dulchavsky S, Elbarbary M, Gargani L, Hoppmann R, Kirkpatrick AW, Lichtenstein D, Liteplo A, Mathis G, Melniker L, Neri L, Noble VE, Petrovic T, Reissig A, Rouby JJ, Seibel A, Soldati G, Storti E, Tsung JW, Via G, Volpicelli G Thorax. 2011 Sep;66(9):828-9; […]

18Jun 2010

Via G, Lichtenstein D, Mojoli F, Rodi G, Neri L, Storti E, Klersy C, Iotti G, Braschi A. Abstract PURPOSE: Whole lung lavage (WLL) pathophysiologically represents a human model of controlled lung de-aeration, resembling various pathological conditions encountered in the critically ill. Through one-lung ventilation and progressive alveolar flooding, it mimics, respectively, re-absorption atelectasis formation […]