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Guido Tavazzi, Francesco Corradi, Francesco Mojoli, Francesco Forfori, Gabriele Via Minerva Anestesiol  2020 Dec;86(12):1340-1345. Epub 2020 Nov 11. Review. Abstract Acute cardiac injury incidence in COVID-19 is about 13 times higher in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/severely ill than in less critical patients. Patients with cardiovascular comorbidities seem to be more prone to develop higher acuity of the infection, and […]

Laura Pandolfi 1, Tommaso Fossali 2, Vanessa Frangipane 3, Sara Bozzini 3, Monica Morosini 3, Maura D’Amato 3, Sara Lettieri 4, Mario Urtis 5, Alessandro Di Toro 5, Laura Saracino 6, Elena Percivalle 7, Stefano Tomaselli 6, Lorenzo Cavagna 8, Emanuela Cova 9, Francesco Mojoli 10, Paola Bergomi 2, Davide Ottolina 2, Daniele Lilleri 11, Angelo Guido Corsico 4, Eloisa Arbustini 5, Riccardo Colombo 2, Federica Meloni 4   DOI: 10.1186/s12890-020-01343-z Full text link:

Arif Hussain 1, Gabriele Via 2, Lawrence Melniker 3, Alberto Goffi 4, Guido Tavazzi 5 6, Luca Neri 7, Tomas Villen 8, Richard Hoppmann 9, Francesco Mojoli 10, Vicki Noble 11, Laurent Zieleskiewicz 12, Pablo Blanco 13, Irene W Y Ma 14, Mahathar Abd Wahab 15, Abdulmohsen Alsaawi 16, Majid Al Salamah 17, Martin Balik 18, Diego Barca 19, Karim Bendjelid 20, Belaid Bouhemad 21, Pablo Bravo-Figueroa 22, Raoul Breitkreutz 23, Juan Calderon 24, Jim Connolly 25, Roberto Copetti 26, Francesco Corradi 27, Anthony J Dean 28, André Denault 29, Deepak Govil 30, Carmela Graci 31, Young-Rock Ha 32, Laura Hurtado 33, Toru Kameda 34, Michael Lanspa 35, Christian B Laursen 36, Francis Lee 37, Rachel Liu 38, Massimiliano Meineri 39, Miguel Montorfano 40, Peiman Nazerian 41, Bret P Nelson 42, Aleksandar N Neskovic 43, Ramon Nogue 44, Adi Osman 45, José Pazeli 46, Elmo Pereira-Junior 47, Tomislav […]

Mongodi S, Via G, Bouhemad B, Storti E, Mojoli F, Braschi A. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Recognition of the cardiac origin of weaning failure is a crucial issue for successful discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Bedside lung ultrasound and echocardiography have shown a potential in predicting weaning failure. Objective of this report was to describe the case of […]